This weekend Katie and her boyfriend Stephan and I went to the sea! In Normandy. We saw many beautiful things.
(On the way):
(Once we got there):
And a missions update, quickly-- English classes are no longer on the agenda since no one seems interested. Not that I blame them, this is the school break after all. So we are doing publicity instead! Flyers for everyone in the neighborhood, anyone who looks illiterate, or not, or multilingual, or needing to be.
We are also cleaning up the house/ office. I have recently learned how to trim bushes.
We are generally trying to be useful.
Next week it's back to the usual, French classes for some and child care for me. Bushes are nice for a while, but kids are considerably more friendly and exciting.
Hello Curry. This is Aunt Brena. Thanks for all your posts. They are fun to read and I'm glad you're finding yourself useful. :) The pictures of the sea have been beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I'm reading a long Bodie Thoene WW2 book based in France, so everytime I read, I think of you. You're loved and prayed for.
ReplyDeleteThese all look like settings for a wonderful old movie. Breathtaking. So glad you're getting a chance to see God's creativity and glory!
ReplyDelete"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard." Psalm 19 Bless you, Melanie