Wednesday, April 7, 2010


The things I enjoy best about Paris are not the landmarks many people come here to see. Yes, the Eiffel Tower and l'arc de Triomphe are impressive, significant, beautiful, but I love the streets.

The people who are all on their way somewhere, the walls that are losing their plaster, the staircases and the narrowness of every building. I like when the train track rides above everything else so that you can see people's laundry hanging out of their windows and their gardens starting to grow again in their yards. The mazes of neighborhoods fascinate me, and the clay chimney stacks clumped onto every roof as far as you can see.
Posters in the metro. Piles of cigarettes on the sidewalk. Crowded skies and overflowing fruit stands. The age of this place, and the way life continues here.
The layers of the city are what I will remember.


  1. You are right on target.. the history of the city is revealed in the buildings, and the tone the city takes every morning. The people are facinating to watch and learn from. The city has its own pace. You can see its character displayed in the surroundings. Enjoy!

  2. Your writing is good to my soul, dearest sister.


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