Monday, May 17, 2010


11:08. This is the third time I've tried to start writing something now. I'm so tired though that all of my thoughts are very grumpy and as soon as I type them I tell myself, Corrie, please, this is pathetic. No one wants to hear you whining. Go to bed.
I would however like to tell you one gripe. You females will understand.
I'm having one of those NOTHING TO WEAR weeks. I wake up in the morning, crawl upstairs to make coffee, and crawl back down to examine the options. I feel very much like an obscure species of Small Dark Ground Dweller in the basement sometimes, mostly in the morning when my hair is gross and my socks are crooked and there is no light on this side of the house. I pull out a shirt.
This looks acceptable. I put it on. Nevermind, this is not acceptable, but only very familiar.. Probably because, oh yeah! I just wore it 3 days ago.
Next. Wore you yesterday.
Finally I end up in something and have to spend a few minutes folding the rejects. Every morning I cast bitter eyes toward the sleeping bag that is folded in the cupboard, which took up precious space in my suitcase and was, upon arrival, totally unnecessary. In the garage there are probably 700 various extra sleeping materials, and I'll make it 701 when I leave the dern thing here.
Said sleeping bag has even inspired thoughts of turning sheets in the OM linen closet into new skirts, as some of them have quite fascinating patterns.
Now, one might say, For Pete's Sake, Corrie. Go buy some clothes. You're in PARIS, you might as well. And I might take one's advice on this if I ever get over how expensive they are. Plus sometimes it's satisfying in a small way to harbor mean thoughts toward the sleeping bag. Thorn in my side. I bear it with grace, don't I, except when blogging?

There has actually been real activity around here the past few days that I ought to make an update on, other than the state of my negative-3-item wardrobe, but I'm so tired I think I'll fall onto the keyboard any minute.
The real update will have to wait.

Good night. I just tried to spell something which I'm unable to specify because it was spelled incorrectly, and my computer said "no guesses found." It's that word for totally unaware, like a coma, to describe my level of awakeness right now. Maybe someone else can spell it right.

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