Thursday, June 3, 2010


Well guys, it's down to two and a half weeks. Ever since there was one month left time has been going by fast.. I'm afraid I'll wake up tomorrow and have to pack up.

I count down for everything in life.
Days until the weekend: 0 (yay)
Months until school starts: 2 and 1/2
Years until school is over: 3, possibly 4
Hours until I have to wake up again: 9
Number of kiwis left in the cupboard: 5
Years until retirement: 47

But otherwise I have little use for numbers, and they are hostile toward me. Especially 9. I don't like 9 or 11 or 5, as they are all quite menacing.
And right now, this 2 and 1/2 weeks is slippery but neutral. I have never liked leaving, in fact, it fills me with loathing and sadness (and much gnashing of teeth). We could dwell on the effects of this for a while but I'll spare you.
My point is, tonight, that this time I'm eager to continue in life, however much I will miss Paris. I have given and taken as much as I am able, and soon it will be time to go, and that will be alright.

1 comment:

  1. Corrie: You are wise for one so young. Yes, we can look ahead and anticipate/struggle with years, months, weeks, days ahead...and then realize we can do nothing about it all. We have now to deal with (though planning doesn't hurt!). So, enjoy your "now" and know that the memories you are making, whether good or bad, will linger as you step into the tomorrows of your life. And, you will smile as you recall your "Curry days of yore". Love you~Grandma Jane


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